It broke my heart and also flooded me with understanding when you said that sugar is the one bodily pleasure you reach for. I understand better now.

One of the things I did early on in this journey was to start to build a “Pleasure Chest” - a written and drawn list of activities that give me joy or pleasure. I had 5 minute things like petting a cat or brushing my hair, and 15 minute things like listening to music I love or doing a quick sketch, 30 minute things etc.

I found that having a pre-made list helped me choose something other than coffee or sugar when I felt low. And for the most part, it works.

This is just an idea to play with - maybe you just need a pleasure chest so you don’t reach for a pleasure every time (nothing needs to be 100%) that may keep you locked in the pain cycle.

Wanted to share something that worked for me that might help. Plus, more pleasure can’t hurt! :)

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